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2004-09-15 - 4:12 p.m.

Okay, well NY and Boston were a hoot. Bedroom Walls kicked ass, as usual!! August was insane for me. Lots of work and tons of band shows and the traveling and I'm still broke, but even more now. Yaaaayy! Oh well.

Presently, I have a cold...oh, and my girlfriend and I broke up. So, I kind of feel like shit right now.

Aren't you glad that you tuned in. Sorry to be so negative. Seriously, the band stuff is good. But, once all the mayhem calmed down, I was able to focus on the break-up and my finances and now I find myself crying every day. No lie, everyday of this week, I've broken down into tears at the drop of a hat. Don't even look at me weird, I'll well up with tears and crumple onto the floor in a heap.

Maybe I'm pregnant. No, I guess that wouldn't be possible.

The band is playing a few shows this month and next, but kind of laying low while we finish the new album. Thank god, 'cuz I need a break. But, I do miss it, when we don't play.

I think that my roomate hates me too. I owe her rent and I've been slacking off on my chores. I finally had to tell her today, what a mess I've been. Anyway, she'll be paid up tomorrow. Then it's back to operation AVOID THE REPO MAN.

Ain't life grand?


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