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2004-06-22 - 4:32 p.m.

Well, here's an update. I like to keep my small reading audience in complete anticipation.

I'm still broke. I'm a bit out of hot water with my car, but now owe on all these stupid internet loans that are a horrible idea, but it was the only way to avoid repo. I received one donation from a very thoughtful, giving soul. I think everyone else in America, except for Donald Trump and Oprah are just as broke and depressed as I am. Thanks George W. All of your hard work between vacations to your ranch has really brought us to a wonderfully awful place. If I hear of one more beheading, I think that I'm going to fly over to the Middle East. I'm not sure what I will do when I get there, but I feel so helpless watching these people on the TV.

Truthfully, I'm a big chicken and probably wouldn't go anywhere near the Middle East, but I can act here. And I ask that you do too. Voluteer to help change this administration, be nice to your fellow citizens and by all means get out and VOTE.

If anyone, still wants to give a donation to me that would rock. You have to go to the previous entry or just go to PayPal. My e-mail is [email protected]. I still need it badly. My account is overdrawn, my car is still not registered or insured and I'm scrapping for any other money for necessities...although, I can buy food on my Chevron card and I could lose a few pounds anyway.

The band, www.bedroomwalls, is doing great, so there is a light shining through some of the darkness. We'll be touring some in August in New York and Boston, our music is being played on some shows on MTV and we're booked on Sunset Junction. So...I am grateful for what I do have.

I'm sending out good thoughts to those affected by the terrorists and their families. If you don't want to donate to me, dontate to John Kerry's least.



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